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The great wave at Kanagawa.

The great wave at Kanagawa.
This amazing work by K. Hokusai is one of my favourite works of art: vulnerability and strenght; the paradoxical beauty of imminent death and thousands of waves hidden in the foam -perfect example of the fractal nature of the Universe-.

Ars Poética

Juan: Thank you so much for all the poems you have shared with me through the years... I doubt I am an expert at all, but for someone who tries to teach literature with passion it has been a true honour to be be trusted in the way you have trusted me since long ago.
I cannot deny the excitement and emotion I have felt whilst watching you grow and develop in the way you write. I can only imagine how adulthood (both real and literary) will reflect on your texts. I am particularly happy that you have found your particular voice; a major step forward!
Thank you for the last poem... I will wait eagerly the gifts to come....

Amor me has hecho mal

Enfrente, pálida luna,
continuabas la noche,
con un prófugo ámbar de crápula,
mezquina, sobre tu oscuro reproche.

Tu entero de luz debajo,
en un espejo revestido de claro,
y su retrato velado…

Pendiente de su llaneza triste,
en un laudo imparcial,
en un amargo de pena tu viste,
a una estrella inusual.

Un lóbrego sobrevino,
parvo lapso de pleno inmortal,
¡Y la impaciente lejanía!,
¡Luna, no la dejes escapar!

Juan Ignacio Yanuzzo


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