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The great wave at Kanagawa.

The great wave at Kanagawa.
This amazing work by K. Hokusai is one of my favourite works of art: vulnerability and strenght; the paradoxical beauty of imminent death and thousands of waves hidden in the foam -perfect example of the fractal nature of the Universe-.

Secrets and lies

I was watching Secrets and lies before and as it was to be expected it moved me deeply. It moved me when I saw it for the first time but 10 years (or more) don‘t go by unnoticed. At first my head started to betray me and I relived that fear of the unknown. But after a while something stroke a chord, even if gently. I have to acknowledge my own courage in all this. To live without fear, to look life in the face and to choose to be in the moment, in the feeling of now and to choose jumping over fearfully standing still; daring over creeping inside the coccoon ever so quickly. Those are the preferable options, are they not? Those were the choices I always wanted to make. It was the courage I sought forever and the very bravery I ignored I had. Could that bring enough consolation?

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